Monday, February 14, 2011

Personalized Postcard Images

If you're considering a postcard for an upcoming mailing, you'll need to make an immediate impact using the graphics and message. 

Personalized copy and images have proven to improve response rates and drive profit.  Begin with black and white personalization or move into the more advanced personalization technology using color variable imaging.  Variable imaging allow designers to incorporate specific information about your customer in personalized images. 

For example you could send a themed postcard with your recipients name written in the sand or in the clouds.  These types of images are created using a special program that allows your designer create a font and use it as an image.  As you can see it can make a big impact on your audience. 

I would suggest that you use this effect only if it relates well to the message and product or service you are selling.  Companies that have used this successfully have incorporated the personalization into the product image on the direct mail piece. 

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